Exhaust is for Weak - Battle of Five Armies edition

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donmakaron 36

Variation of my Exhaust is for Weak deck made for "Banner of the Lonely Mountain" LotR LCG event on Pyrkon 2016 convention with Battle of Five Armies quest.

Eleanor stepped in for Elrohir (also my game partner changed Elladan for Háma) because of the horrible Treachery cards in Battle of Five Armies (Fighting Among Friends, Heedless of Order and Weighed Down can really mess things up). But still the main plan is to play at least one Ally each turn, send Aragorn (unexhausted) and Prince Imrahil questing, then sacrifice an ally defending against enemies to ready Imrahil and hit'em hard with both heroes. That gives nice figure for questing and strong fighting capabilities. If Eleanor is not exhausted to cancel Treachery card effect, she's good for defending (especially with Blood of Númenor as her resources are to be spent only for Envoys of Pelargir and Resourceful) or to ready other heroes with Common Cause.

In Battle of Five Armies this decks is focused on questing The Eastern Spur (but also provides a neat and power for other quests) as well as killing goblins. Do not expect to have an army of allies - they tend die frequently, but that's the cost to keep Imrahil going. Common Cause is also a neat way to put Bilbo Baggins to good use, as without cards or Treasures he's not very powerful.

If some of your partners need help with resources, you can swap Silverlode Archers for Errand-riders - this will give you a nice way to use Eleanors resources.

This build also manages for solo play with a considerable amount scenarios (from core to the end of 2nd cycle), got me even through Journey Down the Anduin (but only with Elrohir).


May 08, 2020 tsnouffer 1

Fun deck. Thanks for publishing. I beat Five Armies with it!