A Stereotypical Noldor deck without Erestor

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A Stereotypical non-Erestor Noldor deck 3 3 0 1.0
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dalestephenson 1723

While Erestor is one of the most popular heroes in Noldor decks, Erestor is an archetype in his own right. This lineup represents what I believe is the most popular non-Erestor lineup using To the Sea, to the Sea!, though with only six decks it's based on a much smaller sample than the Erestor Noldor deck. These 50 cards represent the most popular cards in those six decks. (Full disclosure -- one of the six decks was mine, so I helped the non-Noldor Treebeard make the cut.)

Look in your opening hand for cards that like to be discarded, like Elven-light, Glorfindel, Lords of the Eldar or the first copy of Elwing's Flight or The Evening Star. Then use Galdor of the Havens's ability to chuck those in the discard and draw replacements.

This differs from the earlier published version in that Silver Lamp is replaced with Silver Harp. The latter card should have been in the original version, I accidentally selected the wrong card.


Oct 03, 2018 dalestephenson 1723

I will be using this deck for my official run in the October solo league.

Oct 04, 2018 Jelius 90

I am a big fan of Treebeard in the Noldor lineup.

Oct 05, 2018 doomguard 1976

i would max glorfindel and gildor, because there is more chance to play them with your first hand that will be made empty with to the sea (u can discard more cards with to the sea as u need and empty your hand at will).

would reduce lords of the eldar by 2, that card is to expensive to play it more than 1 time.

for the next 2 cards to max goldor and glorfindel i would either reduce elvenlight by 1 and 1 protector of lorien (i think you mostly like to defend with gildor or elrohir or treebeard, and they cannot take the protector)

or reduce the evening star to 0 and add 3. test of will