The Orcs Cut Down That Tree, Honest!

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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RogueWraith 169

Haldan and the Woodmen made a pretty big mistake when they set up camp in Fangorn forest. No sooner had they started logging trees than Treebeard and the Ents turned up, demanding to know who killed the arbors. Haldan said the Orcs did it, and now the Woodmen walk with the Tree Herders to hunt the enemy. During their travels, they encountered a very, very lost Folco Boffin, who didn't remember the road to Crickhollow having quite so many shirtless men and walking trees. The kindly folk promised to point him off in the right direction, and off the merry band went.

The Deck

This deck works pretty straightforwardly. I don't know how it works for solo, but in multiplayer it functions pretty much as a supporting deck, not powerful enough in one area to excel, but well rounded enough to shore up the Fellowship as a whole.

Get healing out for Treebeard so he can use his ability. Slap Leather Boots, Magic Ring, or Strider to help him perform multiple actions. He'll usually quest, and can alternate defending or attacking as needed. Haldan and the Woodmen are there as support, helping you quest, draw cards, and lob the occasional attack.


May 27, 2019 doomguard 2006

i would add a 3rd. self preservation 3 Scroll of Isildur and 3 Bartering (with that u can put self preservation for 1 res into play) would leave 1 ioreth, 1 mirkwood pioneer (i think u want to have him for style right? ;) ) 1 thrors map 1 leather boots 2 eryn galen settler