Daily Challenge: Three Rings

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Denison 633

Daily Challenge: Play Intruders in Chetwood using a deck with Vilya, Narya, and Nenya.

Denison's Difficulty Level: 4

Deck Summary

The obligatory rings are here, but the real focus is first turn Gandalf for a quick start. Denethor and Gandalf are like Beornings and honeycakes. Drinking Song is there to help find the wizard. Galadriel helps mitigate threat and aims to find more A Very Good Tale. This deck is pretty sloppy and sub-optimal, but it's a daily challenge, not a one deck solution.

Quest Summary

The deck really started cooking when it brought Gandalf, Faramir and Narya. Quested for 36 in the end to set up a final confrontation with the Orc War Party. The final round saw three Erebor Guards hit the table using two of them to Very Good Tale into Firyal.


While this deck barely fits the daily challenge, it was Gandlaf and his ring that carried the day. It's my first time using the three rings and it was fun to use that much referenced combo with Faramir.

6 completed rounds = 60 Total combined Threat = 48 Total damage on Heroes = 0 Cost of dead Heroes = 0 Victory points = 0 TOTAL SCORE = 108