Con of the Rings - Loot for Folco

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Con of the Rings - Loot for Folco (now multiplayer friendly) 2 2 4 3.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

maistrechat 113

maistrechat has a newer deck inspired by this one: Con of the Rings - Loot for Folco (now multiplayer friendly)

This deck is my updated version of my "Loot for Folco" deck that I will be bringing to Con of the Rings 2019. It is updated with some cards that were omitted from the first version due to being used in other decks as well as to add in the Mithril Shirt from Fate of Wilderland, which is the only guarded attachment that does not go on Folco.

Description from the previous version copied below:

I immediately thought that Fastred would be a perfect addition as his ability both keeps enemies in the staging area for Bilbo Baggins's ability and keeps threat low. Folco Boffin was the next inclusion, mainly as a way of compensating for Bilbo's starting threat.

What I quickly discovered is, with the exception of the shields, virtually all of these attachments work best on Folco. This means that unless I fail early on Folco tends to end the game with 6 willpower and 5 attack. The leather boots allow Folco to be both attacker and quester when a location shows up, and Fastred and Bilbo's abilities allow you to avoid having to attack enemies until those rounds when you can trigger Folco's Leather Boots.

This deck is "as I play it" - Fast Hitch is strictly better than Leather Boots in this deck but all of my copies of the former were spoken for.