February 2020 Solo League

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Derived from
February 2020 Solo League 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
April 2020 Solo League 0 0 0 3.0
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dalestephenson 1822

dalestephenson has a newer deck inspired by this one: April 2020 Solo League

This is an Eagles deck for the February league, I threw in Radagast because I wanted to try him, even though his supporting cards aren't in either of the cycles used for the league. I also made the deck extra fat because one of the quests we're going against is Deadman's Dike.

Radagast's Staff is the card that will pay for the eagles, once eagles are out Support of the Eagles can power up Aragorn and even Radagast if he gets Song of Battle. With Wizard Pipe Radagast can turn Messenger Raven into guaranteed card draw and also set up Gwaihir's Debt once a unique eagle is out.

2nd version is identical to first, except for cutting out an unplayable leadership attachment accidently left in the deck.