Swear Allegiance, Recieve Sword

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Swear Allegiance, Recieve Sword 4 2 1 2.0
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emorlecallor 1258

emorlecallor has a newer deck inspired by this one: Swear Allegiance, Recieve Sword

When In Service of the Steward was released, I think most people initially thought of it as a way to get Rod of the Steward and Denethor's resource boost on to any hero you wanted. Those are perfectly legitimate uses; however, there is one card that can be put to interesting use with In Service of the Steward: Sword of Morthond.

This card isn't used much because a) people hate Outlands and b) there just aren't too many good Gondor allies to use it on. However, with In Service of the Steward, you can now give any ally you want a boost of 3 in all stats. So three ideas came to me:

1) Gimli

2) Gandalf (OHaUH)

3) Mirkwood Runner

The first two I chose because of their readying effects, but I reasoned Sword-thain would be a better option since they're unique. So I threw in a copy apiece and decided to focus on the Mirkwood Runner. This ally is left out of most decks because most enemies are better off when attacked with a large attack value counting defense than two attack value without counting defense. However, if you can get the Runner to 5 attack with some Knights of the Swan, it can be a devastating force.

This is a potent little combo, but if you don't get it set up it all goes to waste. Therefore, there is a lot of card draw and resource acceleration in the deck so that it can find the combo pieces and play them, as well as Heed the Dream, which, if you get it in your opening hand, can let you find anything you want in the deck first-turn. Steward of Gondor goes on Elrond since he is the only hero and he can pay for allies of any sphere. Hirluin the Fair also has a sphere match for Outlands allies (and the Outlands trait), so he can be a good target for Steward if you have a lot of Outlands allies in your hand. Denethor plays the support hero, transferring his resources to whoever has Steward of Gondor, as well as providing a two-resource starting boost. Other than the combo, the deck runs like a standard Outlands deck: spam allies with Hirluin and Elrond and use the stat boosts to crush the encounter deck.

Although the combo is quite potent, the deck runs well even without it, since it's Outlands. However, when you do get the combo set up, it's incredibly fun, and that is what the game is all about.

Enjoy the deck!