Into Ithilien - Nightmare Solo Progression

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afteryule 80

This is a progression style deck for Nightmare Into Ithilien. Only cards up to Nin-In-Eilph were considered.

Yes, the starting threat is incredibly high, but it works. Make sure Celador dies so you don't have to use willpower in stage 2. In some games, the hardest part with this deck is accidentally overquesting to stage 2.

Mulligan for Gondorian Shield for Beregond. Getting a Vassal of the Windlord in your starting hand is also great for taking pressure off the quest phase and allowing you to deal with the starting enemy in the staging area.

Attachments: I usually give Steward to Beregond, since Gandalf can only play you 1 card during the planning phase from the top of your deck. Gandalf typically gets the 1st Support of the Eagles.

Strategy: Build up your board state and turtle in stage 1 until you have enough siege questers on the board. Once your board state is built up, move to Stage 3 and chump the Mumak Elites with Vassal of the Windlords or Knights of the Swan since you don't need them anymore. You should be able to win the game in 2-3 rounds after passing stage 1.

Every time you play a card from the top of your deck, you gain access to another card. This is why events are so powerful with Gandalf. We Are Not Idle is great with Gandalf. It essentially gets you access to 2 cards for 0 cost. I will also sometimes play A Good Harvest from the top of the deck even if I don't need it, in order to dig deeper into the deck.