Journey in the Dark/A

Questlogs using this decklist
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Journey in the Dark Thematic Decks
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

orcstalker 36

This deck and its companion deck (Journey in the Dark/B) were built as paired decks to play the Journey in the Dark quest in The Road Darkens campaign box thematically. There are no mounts, eagles or other things that would not find their way into the Mines of Moria. Allies were limited to those people that our heroes in the Mines might have thought about during this adventure, or characters that were actually there (Boromir and Pippin allies). Gandalfbumped Pippin from my standard hobbit deck, so threat was up by one to 29. For a starting hand with this deck, look for Song of Travel with A Test of Will as there are some nasty treacheries that can ruin your day early. Also good to have are a Feint and some of Gandalf's attachments to buff him up early. Resources have to be used judiciously since I used Steward of Gondor in Deck B on Aragorn, but there are a lot of low-priced cards in this deck. Boromirhad Sword-thain on him after 8 turns, It took me ten tries and then 13 turns to beat the Journey in the Dark with these paired decks, but it was pretty cool to do it with thematic decks. It was so thematic that when The Great Bridge was explored, the Balrog needed exactly 14 damage, a perfect match for Gandalf's threat to finish him off.