Rosie's Song

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Card draw simulator
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enderw30 47

My buddy gave me the challenge of building around the card Love of Tales and this was the result. I have only taken it against the first two quests but it beat both of those handily. The key cards to look for in your starting hand are Fast Hitch and Fireside Song. Other than that the strategy is to attach as many songs to (MotK) Rosie Cotton as possible preferably after playing a couple of Love of Tales (which you are able to do thanks to Song of Wisdom). I know Love of Tales isn't quite as powerful prior to the FAQ but it made a good little resource engine. The biggest weakness of the deck is card draw but Drinking Song and Sneak Attack Gandalf seem to help just enough. Frodo Baggins is there to take undefended attacks and turn them into threat and Folco Boffin is included for his low threat combined with his two attacks. This would be a great multiplayer deck as other than the hobbit allies it doesn't require many unique cards. Plus another deck could help make up for its combat deficiencies. Let me know what you think!

(Song of Mocking is a place holder for Song of Healing which for some reason isn't showing up in ringsdb. Also the starting threat should be 15 not 16.)


Aug 16, 2020 doomguard 2121

i would add 1 gleowine for one of the 2. loreallies. and then perhaps a little +/- at the allies.

  • 1 bilbo

  • 1 odo

  • 1 robin

would include (in addition to gleowine)

either 2 courious halfling or 2 secrecy-allies or resourceful or 2 more songs (or a mixture)

Aug 16, 2020 enderw30 47

@doomguardI really like the idea of Gleowine and will substitute him in. As for the others I’ll consider them! I originally had had curious brandybuck in but never considered cautious halfling. The reason I didn’t put resourceful in was only because I use that card all the time in secrecy decks and wanted to try something different. Put I totally agree it would fit well in this deck.