Lore of Beasts

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

HearProf 18

Here's a solo one-handed deck I've played a few times. Arwen Undómiel is a great piece to this deck as she gives access to card draw, resource generation, shadow cancellation (Hasty Stroke), when revealed cancellation (A Test of Will), and threat reduction (Elrond's Counsel). Song of Battle is included to provide resource smoothing so that Arwen's resources aren't wasted.

Mulligan for Radagast's Staff; however, a starting hand that includes Elven-light and Song of Battle isn't bad. If you get Radagast's Staff played turn 1 you can generally also get an eagle into play so that your opening is 9 with Radagast ready and an eagle ready.

My tendency is to use Radagast's Staff for price reduction of creatures but it can also allow you to ready Giant Bear. This can really strengthen your attack and defense consistently without losing Giant Bear by triggering its action and having to shuffle it into your deck afterward.

Let me know how it works for you and if you have any recommendations for improvement!