Thorongilbo - Bring the Orcs to the Slaughter

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Card Talk 1188

Most folks know my penchant for hobbits. And, I've decided to post some of my personal decks that, for some reason, I have published.

This deck, as the name suggests, is designed to get Thorongil out on to Bilbo Baggins or Bilbo Baggins very quickly.

As I have played this deck, I have found that, for the most part, you don't lack for starting with either Bilbo also. You can pick which one based on the quest. If you start with an enemy in the staging area, Bilbo Baggins is the way to go. Otherwise you may want to start with Bilbo Baggins just to get the card draw.

There is plenty of resource acceleration through Resourceful and Necklace of Girion, but the Necklace is more for the than the resource.

There is also plenty of card draw with Stone of Elostirion, Bilbo Baggins, and Master of the Forge trying to get out.

You'll notice a few guarded cards, but they are very straightforward to get on your characters because of Bilbo Baggins and Bilbo's Plan and even Gandalf.

The weakness in the deck is that it can become location locked. Many of the Beorning allies don't quest too much, and that means if you run into locations early, you may be stuck. If you can keep the locations under control (which, BTW, Bilbo's Plan helps to mitigate!) then this deck loves to smash enemies.

The best thing to do is to try to get Gandalf out early and then it seems this deck really takes off. And, obviously, with the low starting threat, you can keep him out for a very long time. Glamdring goes on him for an extra boost and to get more cards in your hand.

I wouldn't necessarily call this a power deck. But, in multiplayer, it could really do some combat and heavy lifting. Plus, it has attachments that cold be spread around the board. It may pair nicely with a questing or location control support deck if you were looking for something that compliments it.


Feb 28, 2021 Christian_Medic 985

Awesome deck! I still want to try out Tactics Bilbo one day and this may be it. I would consider adding in Northern Trackers x2 to help with your location lock problems