Captain of the Kingsguard

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Na'asiyah: Queen of Gondor 4 1 1 1.0
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GKZhukov 97

I started out intending to do Arwen + Elf-Friend, but ended up here instead.

Aragorn and Arwen Undómiel attend to Royal business, like a good resource and draw economy, as well as breeding steeds (Westfold Horse-breeder) and keeping the forges hot (Erebor Toymaker). They also send out citizens of the realm on quests, mostly to find lost artefacts (Galadriel), but also to keep threats to the realm in check (Galadriel's Handmaiden).

Meanwhile, Na'asiyah protects the royal couple, especially when they decide to announce The King's Return. Both Heirs of Earendil and Quick Strike can grab that Guarded Orcrist or Mithril Shirt quickly, powering up Na'asiyah even more.

In case making Na'asiyah Steward of Gondor and acquiring Orcrist is not enough resources for her, she can go on a Royal Hunt with Aragorn and go berserk with Proud Hunters.

Quick Strike and Firefoot, as well as Unexpected Courage and Magic Ring are, I think, fairly standard Na'asiyah fare. Arwen's presence allows for shadow and treachery cancellation as well as a splash of location control.

And of course, let's not forget Na'asiyah's promotion to Captain of Gondor, a title befitting the royal bodyguard.

This deck is a WIP so may see some changes. Input/critique/feedback, as always, is welcome.