Led Astray (Aragorn Doom)

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Dor-lomin 89

This is a live fast, die young deck that is designed to abuse the Doom mechanic combined with Aragorn's threat reset. It is hard to pin down a strategy per sey, as you are pretty much at the mercy of what attachments your draw. Broadly speaking, games go like this.

  1. Make sure you have somme Deep Knowledge and Legacy of NĂºmenor in your opening hand. The Seeing-stone help with this endeavor. If you can have Keys of Orthanc turn one, you're golden.

  2. Draw and play as many cards during the first few turns as you can. If you see the word Doom, you probably want it. Don't forget Herald of AnĂ³rien for sneaking in extra allies. Saruman is also a great turn 1 ally for quests with tough starts like Vale of Morgul.

I suggest getting readying on Aragorn as he is most likely to be built into a 'Super Aragorn.'

  1. Its then a game of brinkmanship. How high can you push your threat without going bust? When things get too close for comfort (I normally say 45 plus), hit the reset and play a more even headed game, perhaps with a dash of Doom from time to time.

This is a great lineup for this strategy as all three heroes can do all three things at least quite well. They can also take on even pretty tough enemies right from the off, so having high early threat is not the end of the world.

I have used this deck to beat Peril in Pelagir, Fords of Isen and Vale of Morgul. It sometimes goes totally bust, but fires successfully more often than not.

A strictly solo deck. At least i'm sure you will be most unpopular spamming threat like it is going out of fashion.

Aragorn spent many of his younger years in Rivendell, where he met Arwen. However, before this romance could flourish, he spent many a night on misadventures with Elrond's sons, Elladan and Elrohir, making mischief more often found in 1980s.