eowyn nazgulslayer

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doomguard 2006

make eowyn what she was made for: killing the most fearful enemy, the witch king, that hit the battlefields in 3. age of time. (smaug and the balrog of moria did not hit "battlefields" smaug was killed ravaging a fearfull city and the balrog... read the lord of the rings book ;) )

the http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR/Details/The-Witch-king-Sorcerer-TFotW?Lang=EN needs an attstr. of 16 (17 if on a mount http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR/Details/The-Witch-king-Sorcerer-TFotW?Lang=EN

is that possible?

lets try:

after the witchking kills her uncle, she took up his sword http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR/Details/The-Witch-king-Sorcerer-TFotW?Lang=EN that allows her to add her willpower to her attackstr.

Forth, The Three Hunters! allows to add additional willower so, setup is clear, lets see what to equip to get more.

even without her ability:

= 5(6) +


gesamt 18-21

triggering her ability +9 27-31. enough

even if only half of the things take effect, it should be enough to kill the witchking by round 5-6 (the usual round the it is killable at the pellenorfields)