The Fellowship of the Ring (In One Deck!)

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The Fellowship of the Ring (In One Deck!) 17 10 7 1.0
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Darkling Door 6129

With the recent release of ally Sam Gamgee, it is now possible to build a single deck containing all nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring (provided that we're playing the Saga expansions with hero Frodo).

I thought I would try my hand at building such a deck, tuning it against The Ring Goes South.

The allies in this deck are pretty expensive, and there aren't many of them, but they're plenty powerful enough to handle both questing and combat. Elf-stone helps to get them into play for cheap when you don't have enough resources, and A Good Harvest helps you play them when your resources are in the wrong place.

Raiment of War goes best on Boromir, but works fine on Gimli too.

This deck struggles most against quests which arbitrarily discard allies. The Ring Goes South turns out to be one such quest, so I've included a few copies of Distant Stars, which can be triggered by Aragorn to switch out any board-wiping copies of Eregion.

Changes in V2: Removed Cram and added some cards which were clearly missed in the first version. Also added Bill the Pony; how could I have left him out of the original deck?