Eagle Convocation

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Birdman137 111

This is a combat-focused Eagle deck I've been slowly refining over time. I'm posting it now since Marctimmins89 just shared his deck with the same hero lineup.

The two most important cards you are looking for early are Radagast's Staff and Eagles of the Misty Mountains. The staff will be used primarily to discount eagles early on and later to ready your giant EotMM after you've chucked a good 5-6 eagles under him. Legolas helps with card draw and will get a Rohan Warhorse and the first Support of the Eagles. There is plenty of healing to support the table and enough Ranged and Sentinel to handle a good bit of the combat for the table. It really pains me to start letting other eagles leave play before EotMM is on the table so I usually prioritize finding him when taking a mulligan or using Word of Command. The deck is fairly light on cost in lore so Radagast can primarily use his resources to pay for eagles. Breath of Arda is such a fun card to use with Meneldor. Lembas usually goes on Radagast in case he needs an emergency ready or some healing. At one time I considered Firefoot for Legolas since his attack can get so ridiculous but he can only ready once per phase just so I could take out more than 2 enemies per round.

This deck tops out questing for 8-10 per round, but you can easily be defending and attacking twice each round for 8-10 as well.


Dec 13, 2023 Marctimmins89 106

Awesome. I'll definitely have to revisit this lineup when I dig into the ALEP content. Some of those Eagles events really diversify the trait a bit.

Dec 13, 2023 Birdman137 111

Yeah, the ALeP events fit in pretty well with the existing eagle archetype, but the ALeP allies really give you a new type of eagle deck to play.