The Oath of Eorl Fulfilled

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Smoky Peat 24

Simple and clean. A standard mesh of Core, Defenders of Gondor and Riders of Rohan starter cards.

I designed this deck to collaborate with my wife's three-sphere Leadership/Spirit/Lore deck who's primarily focused on questing and support. That being said, despite this deck's weaker questing potential, it has fared fine for me in most solo play scenarios.


  • With Beregond and Eomer, it can consistently handle just about any enemy cards that come your way.
  • It boasts decent encounter deck counters and drawing power.
  • It is relatively quick to set up


  • Lower questing potential


Eomer is quite simply a solid striker, hitting for 5 every turn if Lothiriel can send someone out. Beregond is obviously the dedicated defender with a massive 4 Defense to start.

Lothiriel will be consistently questing and sending out free allies for their enter play effects (and proccing Éomer).

Gamling can recycle those handy allies like Escort from Edoras for more consistent questing (Between Lothiriel and Escort from Edoras, you'll be putting out 7 quest per turn)

Ancient Mathom will help you or your team mates with some big draw power, at least until you get the Horn of the Mark. Once you've got Horn of the Mark (or two) on Lothiriel, you'll also be consistently drawing 2-3 cards per turn simply by sending out a retrievable ally.

Thanks to Beregond's badass ability, the now free Gondorian shield puts him at 6 defence (enough to tank just about anything), and the discounted 2 cost Citadel Plate makes him a juggernaut with 8 HP. You will have an excess of tactics resources by mid-game, so additional copies of these attachments can go on allies like Guthlaf, Riddermark Knight, Westfold Lancer, Defender of Rammas, or Gamling.

Though unnecessary for success in most scenarios, Unexpected Courage will be the overkill, allowing Eomer to attack 3 times per turn, and Beregond to block twice per turn (Don't forget he's Sentinel as well to protect your squishier team mates).

Captain of Gondor is a flexible stat boost to either Beregond or Eomer, depending on your needs at the moment.

Lastly, A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke will ensure you've got enough safeguards against nasty encounter and shadow cards; of course, Dwarven Tomb can bring them back again if necessary, or Unexpected Courage if you lose it for any reason.


Jan 03, 2024 PablOvi 482

Hey! Nice deck :) Just a few comments and some suggestions...

Horn of the Mark is unique... you cannot put more than one into play. Besides, you need to exhaust it to activate its response. So you could only have one draw per round.

A good alternative for improving your questing potential could be the Steed of Imladris. It is a mount and you already have some useful cards to work with that.

Since Beregond is your main defender, did you consider the Raven-winged Helm? It could be a good companion for his shield. :)

Jan 04, 2024 Smoky Peat 24

You are absolutely right! Boy that was a bit of an oversight… Thank you for your feedback and advice! I wasn’t overly concerned about questing since that’s my wife’s decks role. Questing for 7 per turn with Escort of Edoras and Gamling was sufficient in most scenarios. I have considered the raven-winged helmet as well, but found more utility with the citadel plate! (Archery damage soak, shadow/encounter card damage, etc). :D Offers a bit more synergy with a support deck since he’ll also be the target of most healing in those scenarios.

Jan 04, 2024 NERD 873

I would still add Raven-winged Helm. It's not restricted so you can have the best of everything. Plus, it helps prevent archery, rather than just absorbing it. Even better, it's free!

Jan 04, 2024 Smoky Peat 24

Well would you look at that... I was under the impression it was restricted and had to choose between it and Citadel Plate! Thanks for the heads up! Looks like I'll be making space for 2 of those!

Jan 06, 2024 Marctimmins89 116

I made an Oath of Eorl themed deck a while ago in the hopes of actually playing Oath of Eorl. It never got played lol. This deck looks good.

Jan 07, 2024 Uruk-guy 554

Nice deck! I actually made a deck with the same name a while back, and it was meant to be an Oath of Eorl deck. And like @Marctimmins89 I just couldn't make it work. But the theme is quite fun! If you're having fun with theme then you are already winning anyway. I hope your deck wins often and slays many orcs!

Jan 07, 2024 Smoky Peat 24

Thanks for the feedback @Marctimmins89 and @Uruk-guy! I seriously considered putting Oath of Eorl into it as it would work great with Eomer equipped with Firefoot and Rohan Warhorse… I still might in fact!