one song to rule them all..... (multiplayerversion)

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

doomguard 2168

this is a multiplayerdeck that is aimed to quest for the whole table. it need protection and has nearly no fighting abilities.

the base-strategy is to buff (MotK) Rosie Cotton -willpower and then doubles it with her ability. Galadriel can draw cards, reduce thread and can spend 4 wp that results in 8 on rosie and give acces to lore until Song of Wisdom is out if she has her ring. Goldberry is a good questingcharacter and with her ability it will be easier to put more songs on rosie. another important part of her is, to play Let Us Sing Together and let (MotK) Rosie Cotton quest without exhausting, so she can quest and boost herself without anymore refresh.

if you'd be protected, asuming Nenya in play and refresh or Let Us Sing Together your questpower is about 15-17, 1. round then + 2-6 each after

so, the 3 most important cards are Nenya Fireside Song and either a refresh or Let Us Sing Together

if you do not get Nenya early, try to get a Song of Wisdom early, it helps to draw cards, play Love of Tales and Drinking Song

as soon as (MotK) Rosie Cotton have Fireside Song and refresh or Let Us Sing Together, she piles 2 wp for every song she has attached. goldberry can attach event-songs, so she might get 2(+) songs a round.

Ring of Barahir should go to Galadriel with Nenya she raise to 6 hp that can help against archery or let take an attack undefended.

Galadriel needs 1 Unexpected Courage, so she can do both her actions

all other refreshing can go to (MotK) Rosie Cotton. yes, she can only refresh once per phase, but, additional refresh can be used in the combatphase (she can boost her defense or attack) or with Bilbo's Walking Song she can refresh up to once a phase and put more exploration

other remarkable cards:

the ring and #power is for really nightmarish scenarious, where high wp is needed from the start (gives up to +5wp 1. round)