Allies for Days

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toxiczammy 175

This is my first attempt at making a solo Prince Imrahil deck. This deck is still in the process of being fine tuned, but the idea is simple. Utilize Prince Imrahil to bring out allies in the combat phase, when necessary. If I happen to get any high costed allies in hand, between Elrond and Arwen Undómiel, I should be able to pay for for them.

The major problem I run into is the randomness of Imrahil's ability. The Imladris Stargazer helps sort this out, but obviously I'm not going to be able to get it in my starting hand every time. The first card I want is Elf-friend to allow Prince Imrahil to pull out any of my allies. This is somewhat of a lynchpin for Imrahil's ability to work consistently, but I still have plenty of allies that share traits with him if Elf-friend is not in the opening hand, but I would mulligan hard for Elf-Friend every time.

As long as Imrahil has Elf-Friend, this deck can get pretty janky with some of the abilities that these allies posses, especially if you can get the Stargazer into play to see what allies you have the option to pull. Erestor and Galdor of the Havens can be nice to mill my deck a bit in early game for specific cards. I have been arguing with myself, should I take out Erestor and Galdor of the Havens and put in another Gildor Inglorion? it seems that I would prefer a more precise way of milling my deck to avoid drawing an ally card that I don't want. I also enjoy when Envoy of Pelargir comes into play through his ability. It's basically a free ally for a turn!

I enjoy playing this deck immensely but I feel like I'm missing something that I could add to make it better. I also feel like my threat is too high for solo and that enemies constantly engage me before I'm ready. I have not tried this in multiplayer yet but I get the feeling it would be an excellent multiplayer deck. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


Mar 22, 2017 The White Wizard 537

One thing I could see is if you took out the Veteran Sword-Elf to make the deck more consistent. You could even put the Greenwood Archer in from the sideboard. Once you have Elf-friend out, you can quest with whomever, then use Imrahil to try and pull one to ready that hero. You could then defend with the hero you readied. I still think 50 cards is the way to go however.

Mar 22, 2017 Taurelin 503

You need Elf-Friend for Imrahil and Vilya for Elrond. To maximize the chance to get all the stuff, I would a) cut down to 50 cards minimum b) add Master of the Forge c) move Daeron's Runes from the Sideboard to the main.

Mar 23, 2017 toxiczammy 175

@Taurelin I like your suggestions but the major problem that I have had with Master of the Forge is that it doesn't help me with questing. I had it in there when I first made the deck and it did get the attachments, but it kept me from getting allies with some willpower into play, especially if I want the Stargazer in play. If I had to choose between the Imladris Stargazer and Master of the Forge, I would pick the Stargazer. Also, I don't NEED Vilya to make this deck work, it simply makes it easier to to get high costed allies into play and is more of a secondary attachment. Maybe I should remove it entirely? I don't really think three cards makes much of a difference.

@The White WizardI guess I would drop a burning brand and another card to drop down to 50, but I don't see how much of a difference three cards would be. I love the Greenwood Archer, but it isn't guaranteed to come into play from Imrahil's ability. If that were the case I'd be a bit more into that idea.

Mar 23, 2017 The White Wizard 537

@toxiczammy The reason I suggested cutting the Veteran Sword-Elf instead of the cards you mentioned was that I don't see a clear strategy for using them. If you were to pull them in and chump block, by the time you got the stat bonus on the final copy, you wouldn't be saving any resources.

Mar 24, 2017 toxiczammy 175

@The White Wizard If I draw the Veteran Sword-elf I can discard it for a resource giving the one I pull out of the deck a bonus.