This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 1-4
Rating: .5
Maximizing the utility and unlimited readying of Idraen has always been something that I greatly enjoy, while recognizing of course that it is not game-breakingly powerful. This deck pairs her with another one of my favorite cards, Council of the Wise. The contract allows for the inclusion of some events that otherwise would be hard to get into the deck but interact very usefully with Idraen and locations in general, examples include cards like Strider's Path, Expert Trackers ot The Hidden Way. Overall, this deck is probably my weakest Dúnedain deck and generally doesn't tear up any trees, however I still very much enjoy it since it usually presents you with lots of decisions and play differently every time due to the card limit of the contract.
How To Play
In my opening hand, I like to see either very good access to my key cards through tools like Gather Information or Peace, and Thought or my key pieces themselves (often Asfaloth, Stone of Elostirion, Light of Valinor and/or Northern Tracker). From there on I try to assess what is needed the most urgently on the board and adjust my events and contract triggers accordingly.
There is not much between the cards in my sideboard and in my deck, if you prefer them for a quest or just in general, I can only recommend including them, all five of them work quite well with the deck.