An attempt at a Silvan deck based around the cards that we have at the moment. This pretty much dictates Celeborn and Galadriel, since doesn't have any Silvan allies. Even with Galadriel and Nenya - essentially forming a tri-sphere deck - there is only just enough Silvan allies to make it work, helped by Stand and Fight.
Since I am including Galadriel and using her for support, she needs Nenya, failing that Mirror of Galadriel to help find Nenya. Mulligan if neither of those is available, since there is very limited card draw.
Ideally, Galadriel gets Nenya on the first turn, followed by at least one Silvan ally each turn after (ideally a Naith Guide). I did initially include Steward of Gondor, but after passing up on it a couple of times when dipping using the mirror I've concluded that a more subtle form of resource generation is required.
Issues are the complete lack of defence bar Eleanor, a lack of attack, no resource generation, and a lack of reliable readying for Celeborn.