Fellowship... Assemble!!

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

tflo242 22

This deck is designed to flip the Fellowship contract in the first turn. It is created using the contract from Alep's upcoming Beyond the Original Bargain contract to include Bond of Friendship as well. There is no theme, except that each of the heroes has setup instructions, so this deck functions more like a LEGO set to put together in the first round.

How good is it?

When this deck works as intended, you should be able to quest for 16 and still have a 4 def defender and 7 atk power, all in the first turn.

How to play

Mulligan if you have Fang or Grip in your hand. In the first round, play a Wolf for free from your collection with Widfast's ability. Use the first dog's ability to play the second, then the third. With the last dog's ability, grab another creature (I usually go for Gavin) and play it.

We now have 8 characters, but we need to get a ninth. This is the tricky one. Ideally, you can use Daeron's Runes or Drinking Song to find and play Ioreth or Galion. Otherwise, you can use A Very Good Tale to pull someone else. Another option is that if you have Young Tom or Henemarth Riversong in your hand, you could pull Wilyador as your last creature (though you'll need a replacement for the second round. This could be found with Gather Information, in which case Thalion is probably the best option).

Assuming you got all your characters out, you have a ton of stats all around now. Gather Information on the first turn (depending on the quest) and try to get Gondorian Shield (for Denethor). If you already have it, Armored Destrier, Herugrim, and a Test of Will are all helpful to have.

This deck starts at 36 threat, which is high, but Favor of the Valar, The Galadrahim's Greeting, Gandalf, and Woodmen's Clearing all help a lot to keep it down.

As the quest goes on, you'll end up gaining lots of resources, and you can strategically chump your doggos to put in more powerful allies like Thalion, Treebeard, Gandalf, etc. (Just remember that your attack power will go down the round you do it).

Saga Play

This deck is broken in Saga. Because of the extra hero, you're guaranteed to flip the contract on the first round, no Galion needed. You'll even have an extra resource to spend on Gondorian Shield or whatever else. Feel free to switch out him and the extra Ioreth, as well as A very good Tale for other helpful cards like Cram, an extra Herugrim, Stand and Fight, and Double Back.


Oct 22, 2024 Marctimmins89 115


Oct 23, 2024 doomguard 2121

the use of Ranger Summons is cool perhaps its worth include 1-2 Flight of the Eagles (using with Wilyador or Meneldor (would relace 1-2 Sterner than Steel for it)

Oct 23, 2024 Alonewolf87 2377

Such a great concept, congratulations