Here is an effective deck, 100% Noldor, to pass the Fords of Isen scenario and face its Time and Hand Size threshold mechanics.
The strategy is very simple: the heroes make us draw at a good pace at the start of phase 1, and we must strive to use or discard all the cards we have in hand before the end of the restoration phase and the end of the round, and even ideally before the staging step.
The deck is constructed in such a way that there is no "over-drawing" during the turn, so as not to trigger the Forced effects of Dunlendings enemies. I added Elven-light for having more cards to discard with the action advantage of Arwen and for staying in the elven theme, however I do not often use that event action here. Furthermore, I have ruled out expensive or circumstantial cards (A Test of Will, Hasty Stroke, location control Events, etc.). Thanks to the pooling of resources of the heroes of the energy sphere, and the numerous discard options, I most often have 0 or 1 card in hand and I win quite easily.
The card to favor in first hand is the threat reducer Elrond's Counsel. It gives us more time to get set up and provides a very useful bonus for the quest in the first round. Elven Jeweler is a nice ally to have early too.
[Edit : I swap out 2 x Glorfindel for 1 x Protector of Lórien and 1 x Song of Healing]
solid standart noldordeck. could increase effectivity a bit including Wild Stallion (the sons of elrond or Guardian of Rivendell ) like it very much (but not a noldor-ally, but i think still thmeatic ) or a Cloak of Lórien (can go to caracters to make a high-defender-all who can defend buffed twice with help of Narya )