This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 1, (2-4)
My Gondor deck for solo play. With Erestor and Denethor guaranteeing a very quick start, you can quickly swarm the table with allies which can in turn be boosted by Boromir, Visionary Leadership and Faramir. While encounter effects limiting or attacking your ally output can really destroy you, you will in turn often be able to steamroll a quest due to sheer numbers and pace.
How To Play
In my opening hand, I love to see everything that enables a quick and sustainable swarm. This means resource acceleration, with Steward of Gondor, A Very Good Tale and the 0-cost resource events very nice to see early on. From there on, the deck plays incredibly simple - pump out allies, boost them, quest with most of them for a lot and maybe keep some characters back to help out with combat/healing.
Herald of Anórien can often accelerate the swarm even more, however with next to no threat reduction, I am a little cautious about including cards like it or Legacy of Númenor. If threat does become an issue, Favor of the Valar is my preferred solution to combat that.