How Many Times Can You Gandalf? (Over 150 Gandalfs version)

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How Many Times Can You Gandalf? 0 0 4 1.0
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BigFuzzyNinja 1

Took feedback to get even more Gandalf responses. Removed most of the extra card draw (who needs it when you've got Gandalf drawing you 3 cards fairly often) and other cards that don't factor into getting the Gandalf engine running. Here's the breakdown:

Gandalf played normally (ideally after using many of the below shenanigans) (3)

Sneak Attack, Horns! Horns! Horns!, and Reinforcements (after using A Good Harvest) Gandalf from hand (+9)

Gwaihir's Debt after using Wizard Pipe Gandalf from deck (+3)

Born Aloft Gandalf after playing him (+3)

Book of Eldacar and Tome of Atanatar to copy Gwaihir's Debt and either Sneak Attack or Horns! Horns! Horns! (+6)

Erebor Hammersmith, Reforged, and Second Breakfast to reuse Book of Eldacar, Tome of Atanatar, or Born Aloft (+9)

The White Council to do any of the above 3 more times (+3)

Dwarven Tomb after using A Good Harvest to use Reforged 3 more times (+3)


Will of the West after using A Good Harvest to do all that 3 more times (+117)


Háma to use Gwaihir's Debt 3 more times (+3)


Nori for more recursion (+???)

=the most Wandering Wizards

Someone might want to check my math...

Once again, this deck is by no means meant to be competitive against any quest, but I'd love to know if you manage to get some wins, or if you can think of other means to Gandalf.

Sideboard cards are the more challenging bits of the nonsense when it comes to resource matching, but are factored into the above total Gandalfs.

I don't own physical versions of ALEP cards, nor am I particularly familiar with them, so I don't include them here; there might be more degeneracy available there, though.


Mar 11, 2025 doomguard 2199

to fullfill your "math". in no way effective playable, but you forget in your countings of the maximum, that Tome of Atanatar not only reuse a event, it put it down your deck, so, if you can empty your deck and draw agein (what should not sooo much of a problem with so much gandalfreactions) you get that event an additional time, so, 1 Tome of Atanatar can result in 2 additional Sneak Attack if played correctly.

so, for absolute maximum add +1 for EVERY use of Tome of Atanatar (and every means all of the reused by Erebor Hammersmith or Second Breakfast......)

just saying, but i doubt the sense of this ;)

Mar 11, 2025 BigFuzzyNinja 1

@doomguard I knew I forgot a few. And it just got too complicated for me to math at the moment. Still, that (a long with the Nori shenanigans) is why the title is just "over 150" rather than a more accurate number. Good catch!

Mar 12, 2025 Alonewolf87 2450

Very cool idea, this will not change much the basis of the deck but just note that after the Revised Ered Mithrin errata Reforged now only allows to replay Item attachments, so it cannot be used to recycle the Records and Born Aloft

Mar 12, 2025 BigFuzzyNinja 1

@Alonewolf87 Thanks for pointing that out! And for reminding me to check errata more often!