The purpose of this deck is to defeat the Battle of Lake-Town scenario in solo play, using cards available at release, and without using certain power cards like Dain Ironfoot, Vilya, or Glorfindel. It is not 100% effective but I believe it should be able to win more than half the time.
Your goal is to power through your deck as quickly as possible to turn Frodo Baggins into a near-invincible defender. Prioritize Gandalf's draw three, and use Dwarven Tomb on Ancient Mathom aggressively. It is essential to clear locations as quickly as possible, so most turns you will be engaging Smaug and taking one or two hits. On the plus side, this means threat management is less important in the early game, so you can focus on drawing cards and playing blockers.
It will likely require a reshuffle to win. Will of the West can be retrieved if it is milled, but not after playing it, due to errata. As a result of relying on this strategy, feel free to use Durin's Song and Vassal of the Windlord as needed, even though you will need them to finish off Smaug.
I would be interested to hear changes that would create reliable questing without making the deck more fragile against attacks and treachery.
One more thing: There is no "next player" in solo play so chump blocking is not so dangerous.