The Fall of Grima

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Roka 1596

When playing decks with Gríma, I thought he was often mainly a help in the early game. He can give you early ressources and, because he is in the Lore sphere, also card draw. But if you etablished your board state, he mainly just quests for two, and you don't use his abilty because threat is then often more important than ressources.

So why not play The Fall of Gil-Galad on him? The threat lowering helps you directly to counter his doomed effects, and is also very thematic. When Grima died, threat really disappeared from Rohan. But you should get at least one Self Preservation on Erkenbrand and Gléowine out before you kill him.

The rest of the deck is mainly classic Rohan, besides that Théoden gets now Gúthwinë! You can quest, ready him with Snowmane, attack for seven, and recycle a Rohan ally. You don't need the Golden Shield, because Erkenbrand with Armored Destrier can cover your defense.