Fast Track to Rivendell

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

skysnow 13

A mono Tactics deck that is capable of a fast-paced romp along the Road to Rivendell. The idea of this deck is to focus on dealing with enemies before they have a chance to attack due to potentially game-ending shadow effects such as Sleeping Sentry and Pathless Country. Additionally, this deck is capable of questing and progressing effectively. Successful runs should require six-nine rounds of game-play.

This deck is certainly not immune to losing. As such, I think it's a fun deck to play against this quest.

One important aspect of this quest is the inclusion of the Arwen objective ally. Her ability synergizes with Hirgon nicely to produce a resource engine almost on par with Steward of Gondor, notwithstanding Bitter Wind of course.

Some examples of play: RĂºmil with Hirgon is a 3 cost effect that dispatches a persistent enemy. Descendant of Thorondor can be dropped in with Hirgon to dispatch a just-revealed Goblin Spearman. Since Legolas has a bad habit of dropping weapons in this quest, Bofur can help retrieve them. Elven Spear is effectively a 0 cost card draw effect with Foe-hammer. Honour Guard can be useful to preserve Arwen, not to mention defend and throw stones with Hail of Stones.

Hour of Wrath is probably mostly dead weight. It's there because of Orc Ambush. Theoretically, if Legolas is weaponized and the player has Thicket of Spears and this encounter card goes off with a discard pile full of orcs, it could be a fun event to play.