Defenders of Cair Andros

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

cabrontormenta 2

Used this deck to defeat the Siege of Cair Andros solo on normal. It uses the card pool available until the publishing of the Against the Shadow cicle.

It was the first time I used the Palantir card (on Boromir because he can ready again) and it was very useful and fun as hell. Take into account that this quest has almost no locations in the encounter deck (maybe 1 or 2), and just a few treacheries. So you can always search for enemies without fearing big threat increase.

Beregond quests and defends, so it is important to use Háma to bring back Feint and Behind Strong Walls as much as possible.


Sep 10, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2473

Just curious, did you use Hama's errata when you beat SoCA?

Sep 10, 2018 cabrontormenta 2

Didn't count the times I used his skill. But I didn't have the intention of using the errata because at the time this cicle was published this errata didn't exist. Anyways, I think this quest is doable even with the errata. There is also Book of Eldacar to help bring back used events.