d20 Khazad-dûm progression fellowship


This is my first attempt at a 4 way fellowship for the Khazad-dûm and Dwarrowdelf sequence being undertaken by four hardy companions at the marvellous d20 Board Games Café in Watford, UK. Check them out at www.d20cafe.co.uk/.

What started out as 4x multi-sphere Dwarven and Elven decks has evolved into 4x mono-sphere mixed Dwarven and Elven Decks accessing cards from the core set, the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle, Khazad-dûm and the Dwarrowdelf cycle. The thematic loss is offset by the buying power of single sphere decks. And anyway, I always perceive multi-handed decks as one big deck split into four pieces.

This is my first foray into a Elrond and Vilya partnership. It seems to me that a mulligan for Vilya and then a dig for Imladris Stargazer is crucial to the build up of forces. The other decks ought to mulligan for Resourceful and/or Steward of Gondor to get some cash rolling in.

I fear that there is not enough ranged support and may need to address this in a future update. That said, from a thematic point of view, shooting arrows in dark caves, halls and passageways should not be that easy. Well shooting them is easy, it's hitting the intended target I would imagine to be tricky.

All constructive criticism welcomed.


Oct 01, 2019 Carder89 116

My advice would be to look at the different roles each deck has. Which deck does the questing, which one does defending, attacking or support?

Also make sure that the decks can work together. Elrohir, for example is a good defender if you give him some attachments. However he can only defend against enemies engaged with his controller. You would need to give him sentinel with Dúnedain Signal for example so he can defend against enemies engaged with others. (Also, defending is more important than attacking.)

I get that you want to make a thematic deck, but I would also advice you to give more allies to the tactics, leadership, and spirit players to chump block against big enemies. (Again defending is more important than attacking.

Finally, you can play whatever you want of course, though I would shy away from Keeping Count and Brok Ironfist.

Otherwise, have fun!