Fellowship of the Dwarves

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

nbonnem 58

Resource management: At five dwarves, Thorin Oakenshield gains an extra resource per turn and allies such as Dwalinand Glóinbecome cheaper. Magic Ring, Narvi's Belt, A Good Harvest and A Very Good Tale provide various means to get allies into play. Orcristand Steward of Gondorare in the sideboard to assist with resources, but I did not find either needed in general.

Questing: With Dáin Ironfoot and the Fellowship, questing has not been an issue, even as locations pile up. The sideboard though has some options with the The Arkenstone and Necklace of Girion. Lore Bombur is in the sideboard and would be a great inclusion where there are underground locations to help with questing/location management.

Combat: Like most dwarf swarm decks, combat is a matter of building up your numbers and overwhelming your foes. Thorin Oakenshield is a great target for Dwarrowdelf Axe and you can use Azain Silverbeard to hit two enemies (hard to accomplish due to the hero lineup).

Healing: The deck has no healing outside of Magic Ring, but with the hit point boosts of Hardy Leadership and the defensive boosts of Dain and the Contract, the only time allies should be lost is to the early game or on purpose. In addition, Armored Destrier helps against nasty shadow card effects. Ioreth is an option and included in the sideboard.

Threat management: Sneak attack/Gandalf. Crossed fingers.

Card Draw: Key to this deck is getting to 5 and then 9. Legacy of Durin is included to draw an extra card with each dwarf played from hand. Ori gives you an extra card each round once you hit 5. Alongside AVGT, King Under the Mountain and We Are Not Idle, I rarely had an issue with card draw (but some games can be hard to build up quickly) so did not include Orcrist except as sideboard.


Feb 03, 2020 TritonWreck 256

Crossed fingers is a valid strategy. I rely on it all the time.