One wizard to draw them all (ultimate edition)

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
One wizard to draw them all 6 3 2 2.0
Inspiration for
One wizard to draw them all (revised edition) 0 0 0 4.0
Card draw simulator
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tickler 257

tickler has a newer deck inspired by this one: One wizard to draw them all (revised edition)

[EDIT]See comments. Non-event cards cannot be played outside of the planning phase. This will require the deck to be updated to be more event-based to be as quick as described here.[/EDIT]

Gandalf wields the ring of power and summons his nine ringwraiths from the outlands. Supported by the Noldor, Gondors best healer, the elite of the Harad scouts and a drunken Silvan he is the wizard - well, wait, wait, wait! A drunken Silvan and a healer from Gondor? Shouldn't it be a drunken dwarf and one of the legendary elvish healers? I mean, yes, but I don't write stories, I just build decks. So where did I stop? Ah, yes. He is the wizard to draw them all!

The release of Messenger of the King made me redesign my Gandalf deck. Firyal is such an incredible character in solo games, that I dropped Thurindir and the side quest theme to include her as a hero. Additionally, I included some new cards to cut the resource curve to an average cost of 0.7 points per card.

The result is impressive. I run the deck multiple times against Battle of Carn Dum and Attack on Dol Guldur beating them every time without any struggle. (And normally I am quite an expert in getting crushed by Thaurdir or the Dol Goldur lieutenants.)

Core strategy

Gandalf allows you to play one card from the top of your deck per phase. Additional draw is provided by Expert Treasure-hunters allowing you to play as many cards as you can pay for. With an average cost of 0.7 points per cards, you can play 4-5 cards per round. With additional resources of Gandalf's Staff or the combo of Expert Treasure-hunter + Wizard Pipe + Hidden Cache you need less than ten rounds to play the complete deck.

Ultimately, you get out your nine Outland ringwraiths for + and use Gandalf to defend. The rest of the deck ensures to keep your threat low and get to this board state smoothly within five or six rounds. Then you are basically invincible.


Gandalf's ability to view and play the top card is what this deck is made of. But in addition to that you can really use his great stats of 3, 3, 3 and 5. All Cram, Spare Hood and Cloak and Unexpected Courage give multiple activations for him.

To build him up as your main defender he gets The One Ring for Inner Strength as well as A Burning Brand when you can afford it. With Arwen Undómiel he can get up to 5. Damage dealt by enemies with more is healed by Ioreth.

His pipe is required to put cards on the top of the deck, which can only be played there (Knights of the Swan, Cram and A Burning Brand) or to switch a card, which is to expensive to be played at the moment. His staff is typically used for resources, but can also be used to for draw (to remove a card non-playable at this moment) or discarding a shadow card from an enemy, which cannot be blocked.

Glorfindel is "just" a very efficient character. With Light of Valinor he is a 3, 3, 5 character for a threat of 5 and no drawback. Additionally, Asfaloth is the best location control in the game allowing you to remove any nasty location from the staging area.

Firyal is just questing every round for her ability. She reduces the chance to hit surge or hard encounter cards dramatically. And this is really powerful having it right from the first round.

Other cards

The outland allies are obvious the real power engine. With all 9 in the game, they provide a total or of 30 with 4 per ally. Galion is just 0-cost card enabling Spare Hood and Cloak or being sacrifised if an ally must be discarded.

Will of the West is an important card in the deck. Various effects may cause you to discard required cards (e.g. Outland allies or Ioreth). Will of the West let you play them again. Also it allows you to play each Woodmen's Clearing, Elrond's Counsel and A Test of Will theoretically up to three times per game. This means basically infinite threat reduction and cancels.

Double Back is included to counter the biggest weakness of the deck: siege. With only one main defender, the deck has a maximum of 12. The side quest allows you to quest normally, clear the stage and defeat the adventure card with siege by an empty staging area. Just quest carefully to not solve it.

Normally Drinking Song is totally enough to find the cards you need.However, sometimes you need a Word of Command to find something directly.

Final words

The last thing to say is I am really sad I do not own nightmare sets of the hard quests, because I thought I would never need them.


Mar 22, 2020 doomguard 2121

you woud beat the most quests in nightmare. only about 3-6 will be difficult.

Mar 22, 2020 Jtothemac 476

Geez dude give that poor encounter deck a break, what did it ever do to you?

Mar 23, 2020 Tegyrius 126

Nice Deck! Played it a few times aginst Ered Mithrin and Angmar Awakened quests in normal mode to learn all the interactions and won them all. Been a while since I played Glorfindel hero, and had forgotten just how good Asfaloth is. Only times I ran into problems was when Knights of the Swan didn't show within the first couple of rounds. Quests that needs early attack power will be difficult for this deck. Also, there was sometimes a bottle-neck effect to get the six cards without rescource match into play and also doing the Hidden Cache trick (which was new to me). I simply swapped cram for Lembas after a while. Burning brand also got replaced, since G-boy can't have three restricted (One Ring, Staff, Brand, which is restricted in its current printing) and you also don't need 3 shadow cancellation effects most of the times. Now, trying some nightmare quests.

Mar 23, 2020 doomguard 2121

in carn dum the brand is needed, all other quests, the ring/inner strenght is enough.

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

@doomguard I guess I am going to buy some in the next pod cycle :)

@Jtothemac Hehe. I guess I just lost so many times in Carn Dum that I had to create such a deck one day.

@Tegyrius Thank you! But I have one question. I did not know any errata for A Burning Brand? I heard rumors about a card, which make it restricted and does allow only one cancel per round, but this isn't official, is it?

A tip can be to carefully select the cards you play from your hand. When a 0-cost card is on the top of your deck you will always play it, but when you have a card in your hand, you have to keep it unless you really need it. The reason is simply because more cards increase efficiency of Drinking Song. Therefore, typically you don't use the pipe to get a Cram into play, but instead shuffle it back. For instance, in Carn Dum (very -heavy) you do not need threat reduction in the beginning of the game. Therefore, Elrond's Counsel and Woodmen's Clearing do a better job in getting shuffled back from your hand to draw into Asfaloth, Wizard Pipe or Knights of the Swan and play threat reduction later from the top of the deck. This does not grant you to play your ringwraits, but it increases the chances a lot.

Mar 23, 2020 maedhros 9

A question about Gandalf: Can he play allies or attachments outside the planning phase? I thought so at first, but then guessed that "you may play the top card of your deck as if it was in your hand" means you can only play events from the top of your deck outside the planning phase.

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

@maedhros Yes, you can play allies and attachments outside of the planning phase with his ability. There is no rule preventing you from doing it.

Mar 23, 2020 Jtothemac 476

It's my understanding that you cannot play allies or attachments outside of the planning phase unless the the card text specifically allows the playing of allies or attachments outside of the planning phase (Hirgon, Thranduil come to mind). Gandalfs text allows you to play the top card as if it were in your hand, but does not allow a special window for playing allies outside of planning. Thus, @maedhros's second analysis is correct.

Mar 23, 2020 maedhros 9

@Jtothemac Yes, that's exactly how I interpreted his effect as well. Of course, Gandalf is still very powerful and offers lots of indirect card draw, but you might want to build a low cost, event-heavy deck to take full advantage of his ability.

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

I checked both the FAQ and the rule reference (initiate ability / playing cards, attachment, ally, play / put into play, play restrictions). There is no rule not allowing to play these cards when a card effects allows you to play cards in general.

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

OK. Actually, after some research, I am not really sure about this.

Mar 23, 2020 Jtothemac 476

On page 12 of the rules instruction, it says under the planning phase is "the only phase in which a player may play ally or attachment cards from his hand." You are still able to marry this rule with Gandalf's text without attempting to Golden Rule the text.

The language is a bit narrow, because Sneak Attack allows you to "put into play" but not "play" (which is an important difference when determining triggers from card text). Also, as previously mentioned, Thranduil is a direct contradiction of the rule, so the Golden rule applies.

Mar 23, 2020 Jtothemac 476

Still, that hardly effects the power of the deck. You just need to be a little choosy about the cards you play in planning.

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

Yes. I read that. But the point is more the wording of Gandalf. "play a card as if it was in your hand" can be read as "play a card if it meets the criteria of cards, that can be played out of your hand" or "play a card and consider it to be played from the the hand" (e.g. West Road Traveller).

Interpretation number 1 would not allow to play allies and attachments, because it does not overwrite the general limitation. Interpretation 2 would overwrite the general ruling, because it allows you to play any card. I totally see your point, though.

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

@Jtothemac : well, in this case you should drop Cram, Galion, Spare Hood and Cloak and Woodmen's Clearing by 0-cost events. Non of these cards is really important to fulfill your destiny, but do block your draw.

Mar 23, 2020 Tegyrius 126

Gandalf reads: "Once per phase, you may play the top card of your deck as if it was in your hand." This is not a put into play effect like sneak attack or a phase action like Thranduil. So when can you play allies, side quests and attachments? Only in the planning phase. So, Gandalf doesn't allow you to play cards only playable in the planning phase in other phases due to his card text.

Mar 23, 2020 Jtothemac 476

"Gandalf’s ability does not combo with Hirgon or Thranduil because they only target allies in your hand. Gandalf’s ability only makes the top card of your deck count as if it were in your hand at the time that you play it. That means it only works when you would normally play that card. To play an ally with Gandalf’s ability requires you to play it during the planning phase." --caleb

It's a devastating ruling in its own right, but towards the end it's pretty clear.

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

@Tegyrius Still, you could read the card "once per phase, you may play the top card of your deck. Period. This card is played as if it was in your hand". So it is not that clear in general as you say. But totally agreed with "Gandalf’s ability only makes the top card of your deck count as if it were in your hand at the time that you play it." both of you are totally right.

This means I had to create a fourth version of the deck. :(

Mar 23, 2020 doomguard 2121

if u want recommendations which Nightmare are challenging for this deck:

Escape from dol guldur (extreme hard solo, hardest ever for solo) mount gram (best way is NOT starting with gandalf) Return to Mirkwood A Journey to Rhosgobel (perhaps not doable with this deck, to few healing)

  1. of hobbitsaga Stewards fear

would be interesting how your deck stand against These ones ;)

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

@doomguard first I am going to optimize it to the correct interpretation of Gandalf. If I am still able to bear Carn Dum 3 out of 3 times, I will think about trying these quests (except for Journey to Rhosgobel, because this is worst quest that has ever be created in my oppinion). But thank you for sharing your recommendations. I will take them into account! :)

Mar 23, 2020 tickler 257

Actually, after changing some cards and playing it correctly I beat Carn Dum two out of four games today. Both close wins. Also it takes MUCH longer until the deck gets its desired board state. I am going to wait until all six packs have been released. Maybe, I will find something else and then release the fourth (and final) version of the deck.

Mar 23, 2020 doomguard 2121

put in the other ringattachements and you should be fine.

and perhaps considr 1-2 zigilminer. with gandalf they ara good even without stargazer, specially when u have the hidden cache.