Beorning Eagles: Pure Series #2

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Mustardman 557

Pure Series:

I realized that my original Pure Series has become out of date, so I've remade many (if not all) of my decks.

This is a series of about 10 decks that I made that don’t share any cards with each other. Meaning I can only use Steward of Gondor in one of my 10 decks. This forces me to use different methods of card draw and resource generation.

I have every expansion, but only 1 core set :(

I do include different cards of the same unique character in different decks. (Ex. Haldir of Lórien hero in my Scout deck and Haldir of Lórien ally in my Silvan deck.)

Beorning Eagles Deck:

The Eagles have teamed up with the Beorning as they are both woodland creatures. More importantly, they are both creatures that benefit from Radagast. This is a pure battle deck that has a presence on the table from turn 1 and can usually take the heat while your other decks are building up their army.

Opening Hand:

In your opening hand, you really want to see Radagast's Staff for the resources.

Card Draw:

Being a battle deck, the limited card draw comes from Gandalf, Messenger Raven, and The Eagles Are Coming!.


Even though we have a Lore hero, we don't have a single Lore card. This is because of Radagast's ability to pay for any ally in this deck. Radagast's Staff is your way to pump out high costing allies quickly, and you want to see it early on - it's as powerful as Steward of Gondor in this deck.


This is a pretty straight forward, play some allies and destroy deck. Like all eagle decks, you are slowly powering up Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Gwaihir does an excellent job of this - being able to put a Vassal of the Windlord or Winged Guardian into play for the turn and then returned to your hand or onto Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Gwaihir's Debt does relatively the same thing, but you have to wait till you have either Meneldor, Landroval, or Gwaihir in play. If you are able to power up Eagles of the Misty Mountains enough or have Vassal of the Windlord or Winged Guardian out, Support of the Eagles is really nice and goes on Grimbeorn the Old. Landroval to resurrect fallen heroes (if I'm not mistaken, he can't be used on Beorn though).

Secret Vigil to lower your high starting threat (Gandalf can also do this if needed). Tireless Hunters to engage as many enemies as needed.

And that's it! If you are teaching someone to play for the first time - this is the deck to give them as it's simple and good. In my opinion, the Eagles are a little underrated for how powerful they are, especially when that 2 damage from Descendant of Thorondor or 2 progress from Meneldor is just enough to defeat an enemy or complete a location.

If you have any suggestions or questions comment below



Apr 07, 2020 Alonewolf87 1922

Wouldn't some Loyal Hound or Beorn's Rage be useful. Also a Wizard Pipe could be nice to set up Gwaihir's Debt

Apr 07, 2020 Mustardman 557

Both Loyal Hound and Beorn's Rage would work really well in this deck. Would Loyal Hound be used to cancel damage Beorn takes since it's targeting the damage and not Beorn himself?

Wizard Pipe could definitely be useful to set up a Gandalf/Gwaihir's Debt combo, but for the Pure Series, it is a key component of the Harad deck.

Apr 07, 2020 Alonewolf87 1922

Yes Loyal Hound would cancel damage on Beorn, same as Honour Guard.

Too bad for the Pipe

Apr 12, 2020 LOTRLCD- Not A Game; Its A Lifestyle 1

EAGLES! I love Eagles. (not quite as powerful as sneaky hobbits) A strong battle deck based on getting a multitude of eagle allies. Being a LOTR fanatic (by fanatic I mean I literally do nothing else but eat and sleep) I believe this deck could benefit from some willpower providing cards, has a relative overall starting threat, and many expensive cards with minimal coin production. Overall I would rate this deck a 7 out of 10, pairing well with a will power focused deck. After looking at the comments I was tempted to add loyal hound in my deck but ultimately decided against because it would take away from the eagle theme of this deck.

Sidenote: I found it very insightful adding Radagast's staff in the same deck as the hero Radagast. I would honestly never considered put both them together. WOW, what a power combo.

PS: Why is Grimbeorn the Old including in this deck instead of a younger version of Grimbeorn. As people grow older they also grow weaker so a younger version of Grimbeorn might prove more powerful.