Unlikely is an Understatement

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AgentDelphi18 16

Please... allow me to explain.

I have an unhealthy obsession with Azain Silverbeard. Ever since Sword-thain was introduced, I had a dream to reveal his glory in its fullest, but I couldn’t ever do him justice. Messenger of the King has remedied that!

I also have wanted to use Thranduil since he was released, so I just decided to use them together!

Gríma... well he’s jealous of their Unlikely Friendship, and admittedly he’s not the optimal choice, when someone like Celeborn might work a whole lot better, but his price reduction really comes in handy with both Azain’s ability, since he’s always short on cash, and Thranduil throwing out Silvan for free combined with O Lórien!. He also gives access to The Tree People and can use his excess money to help pay for allies with Thranduil.

Azain, along with a Dwarven Axe and a Mighty Prowess can pack quite a punch and dish out 3 damage to another enemy, since most scenarios tend to have a strong enemy-trait theme. And Thranduil with a Shining Shield and The Elvenking, combined with the scariness of Feigned Voices and Greenwood Archer, can defend like, 12 attacks a round.

As you may have noticed, the deck is awful at questing. But we can leave that to another deck! Anyway, I’ve had a lot of fun slicing and dicing with my dude Azain. Let me know what ya think!


Jan 04, 2021 Raiderjakk 58

That is the most unique hero line up I have ever seen. :)

Jan 04, 2021 doomguard 2006

a hearth for the herosetup, the deck itself, not this much effective ;)

Jan 04, 2021 Alonewolf87 2180

Instead of Dwarven Axe you could consider using War Axe or Dwarrowdelf Axe since they are cheaper. Orcrist can help to pay for Azain Silverbeard's ability Lembas could be useful too. Bofur can be good to find more weapon or quest. The King's Return is good when you use Guarded attachments (you can put them in a single copy too, maybe Stone of Elostirion or Necklace of Girion too )

Jan 04, 2021 AgentDelphi18 16

@Alonewolf87 I shied away from Dwarrowdelf Axe because if I kill an enemy using it I can’t trigger Azain’s ability! War Axe could be nice... but it would require me to get Durin’s Axe out successfully to take full advantage of it. Orcrist would be beautiful; maybe I’ll consider sneaking a copy in!

Jan 04, 2021 Alonewolf87 2180

@AgentDelphi18Consider that Dwarrowdelf Axe's ability is a Response, so if triggering it would kill the enemy before Azain's damage, thus robbing you of the chance to use Azain's ability then you can simply choose not trigger it (since Responses are optional not mandatory). In all other cases it helps soften the enemy up

Jan 04, 2021 ellipticaltable 204

@Alonewolf87in most cases, a +2 is effectively the same as +1 and a point of damage. There are cases where the point of damage is better, but it's situational. Given Azain's ability, I would therefore stick to the Dwarven Axe.

Jan 04, 2021 Alonewolf87 2180

Yeah, but the Dwarven Axe costs 2 instead of 1, that's a big difference for a deck already starved for Tactics resources.

Jan 04, 2021 ellipticaltable 204

Good call. I was thinking it was 1 for some reason.