Ranged Silvans

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Silvan Fellowship - Defense Version
Silvan Fellowship - Spirit Version
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

carmella15m 27

This deck is half of the Silvan Fellowship and its job is to kill things like a boss. Use your Galadhrim Minstrel to find events like The Tree People to bounce her for a better combat ally later in the turn (like Galadhon Archer or ideally, Rúmil). Or snag a Foe-hammer or Unseen Strike for a productive combat phase. Unseen Strike is also helpful early game before you get all your weapons out. Mirlonde keeps your starting threat low so you won't be engaged early game and Haldir of Lórien can do his thing. Secret Vigil will help to keep your threat low throughout the game. Play your Defender of the Naith with sentinel to help out your friend across the table for when Haldir doesn't kill things first. Black Arrow can help him out in a pinch, and one of each of the Rivendell Blade and Bow of the Galadhrim will go on Haldir and Legolas. If you come across Arod, add him to Legolas for an extra progress boost after destroying an enemy.

Note on the sideboard: If the quest is such that you find yourself engaging enemies more than you'd like, swap in Quick Strike and add a Feint or two. Not finding those key weapons soon enough? Ideally, you will mulligan for one, but the Master of the Forge is there to pick up the slack.

When pairing this deck with the Spirit Elves in the Silvan Fellowship, replace Arod with two copies of Asfaloth if your friend is playing with Glorfindel. If they opted for the version with Arwen Undómiel, you can put Elf-friend on Legolas in a pinch (to give him the Noldor trait) for extra resources.

Alongside the CeleBerOnd deck, save those copies of Elf-Friend for Elrond and Beregond so they can bask in the healing from Silvan Tracker.