Aragorn Son of Arathorn

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Turgon 557

This deck was made using cards from the Legacy of Fëanor fan-made expansion. Dáin Ironfoot is a proxy for Arathorn (whose threat is actually 12; so your starting threat is actually 33 instead of 32), Hardy Leadership is a proxy for Hidden Compass, and The Favor of the Lady is a proxy for Chieftain of the Bloodline.

Try to get Chieftain of the Bloodline, Sword that was Broken, Steward of Gondor, Hidden Compass, Unexpected Courage, and Gaining Strength out pretty early on. (Gaining Strength will let you buy Sword that was Broken right away, and Sword that was Broken is just awesome.)

Put Hidden Compass on Rhovanion Outrider (or a Northern Tracker). Then here's the hero attachment lineup: Chieftain of the Bloodline and the second copies of Silver Circlet and Unexpected Courage go on Arathorn. Aragorn gets Steed of the North, Steward of Gondor, Sword that was Broken, Warden of Arnor, and first dibs on Silver Circlet and Unexpected Courage. Finally, Gildor Inglorion gets Light of Valinor (obviously!).

I think Aragorn is an underrated hero. I know he doesn't get a lot of use because he's not a very splashable hero, but if you use him to the best of his abilities (and yes, you do have to build around him), then he can be really nice - he essentially allows you to quest twice (I know his isn't impressive as is, but if you're building around him it's going to be pretty high!). At his best, he'll be able to use his ability with 5 to get rid of 5-ish from the staging area and put some progress on a location (which then will be promptly explored with Rhovanion Outrider and Northern Tracker). Then he can ready with Unexpected Courage and quest again for 5 . If he's got another Unexpected Courage, he can defend or attack after that.

Use Gildor Inglorion's ability every round and use Arathorn's as often as you can. I would use Chieftain of the Bloodline for the extra and the progress, but it can work for the other options as well.

I think Marc Lommert has done an awesome job in creating the Legacy of Fëanor expansion. In all, this deck is a lot of fun to play. It works great in solo and multiplayer, and locations really don't stand a chance against it. It's the first true location control deck I've played, and it's really great at what it does.


Apr 04, 2022 GreatGlorfindel 34

This does indeed looks like a great location control deck man!! Happy to see you've had a good thought about cards like Arathorn, Chieftain of the Bloodline and Hidden Compass. I share your opinion that Spirit Aragorn has a lot of potential, and maybe more players will see that because of Arathorn. When AP1 comes out later this month I would personally include We See You coming, for it can be a free ready effect for Aragorn in the early game. Happy questing man!

Apr 04, 2022 kjeld 641

Is there a link to this Legacy of Fëanor fan-made expansion?

Apr 04, 2022 GreatGlorfindel 34

You can find all the cards here on the Google Drive. For spoilers and more information, you can check out the LoF Facebook Page!
