treebeard the elvesfriend

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
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doomguard 1976

make Treebeard great (again?)

base-idea was to make Treebeard an Elf-friend to give the posibility to make great use of his ability. this is given with the card Fair and Perilous. with that card, he could increase a single attack up to +10 (taking 5 wounds) and strike singlehandyly with 13. thats enough for the most enemys. it needs some preparation thats why nthis deck is a 50/50 deck between theme and efficiency.

sadly i cannot found the deck, where i saw use of Fair and Perilous with Treebeard. it was an unefficient deck, but the idea was inspireing.

the most efficient way to get to the combo is to start with Elf-friend. and then add cards that benefit from being an elf. in this case:

so a good base-setting is given. to run the combo with Fair and Perilous you need Song of Travel including songs can be an additional ressoursse-generation, so the 2. pillar of this deck is set.


for Love of Tales it will not only cheapen the Song of Travel it generates res from:

game mechanics

songs can be found by the Rivendell Minstrel or the Master of the Forge (both elves, increase the theme ;) Treebeard on a visit in rivendell)

carddraw is given by:

refresh is given by:

healing is given by:

boardstate is build mainly by ents and the Rivendell Minstrel the hobbits are mainly to bost Drinking Song. fighting is handled by Treebeard himself with a little help from angry ents.

yes there are 60 cards, but with much carddraw and ability to fetch songs, it seems o.k. to me, but open for suggestions to cut.

finishing comments

this deck is very good to acompany a high-end-deck like Gandalf- or Vilya-decks solo you need time but then can do many quests. the greatest strength might be to aim for exact questing becasue of the posible +1-5 by his ability. in many quest exact questing is helpfull.