The Power of NO!!! (Mono-Spirit Control Deck)

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Turgon 557

Don't you hate it when you draw a treachery that says (more or less), "Game Over?"

Isn't it just the worst when a shadow effect suddenly tells you you've wasted the last three hours of your life?

And don't you wish there was something somebody could do about it?

Well, this is it. Or at least a very good idea of what "it" could be.

Welcome, my friends, to the land of Cancellation. Where you start with at least 3 emergency buttons in hand (for all encounters; be they treacheries, enemies, or anything in between), and where, on a good day, you can use A Test of Will, play Dwarven Tomb to get it back into your hand, use A Test of Will again, then discard Map of Earnil to do it for the third time - in a row. Plus, of course, plenty of Rings which can either say NOPE! with the best of them, or give Eleanor the strength to discard them herself.

The catch is, the people of Nope-land - though strong in Spirit! - are poor in other ways. The light of the Elves is the only way they can become rich in hand as well as Will (which they have plenty of!), and these invaluable cards are few and far between. However, we have the strength of Arwen Undómiel to help: when we do find that precious card, we can recycle it in return for money or other such wealth in many ways.

Subscribe to experience the Power of NO today!!


As far as piloting advice, mulligan for either Elven-light or A Test of Will, depending on how hard you think the encounter deck will hit you in the first round. The best hand will contain Elven-light, A Test of Will, a way to recur it (Dwarven Tomb or Map of Earnil), and maybe even The Master Ring.

Always quest with Arwen Undómiel and Frodo Baggins plus whatever allies you have, and leave Eleanor up for cancellation or possibly defense of a puny enemy.

I've also created but not tested an alternative version of this deck which includes Beravor instead of Arwen Undómiel for more card draw. To play this version instead, add in everything from the sideboard, and then take out 3 Elven-light, 1 Glorfindel, 3 Map of Earnil, 2 Song of Eärendil, 2 Steed of Imladris, and 3 Elrond's Counsel. I have no idea if this would be better or not, but it's an option. You could also add in all these cards (minus Firyal and Beravor) and then take (MotK) Firyal as a hero (keeping all 3 Song of Eärendil in the deck). If you decide to play like this, use Beravor on yourself every time, and hopefully you'll find your cancellation quickly enough.

Happy questing, and...(say it with me:) Just! Say! NO!!!