Best C1 + C2 Solo Deck

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ThiagoPPS77 21

This deck was used for solo play and uses 1 Core Set, Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 cards only. This deck allows you to use strong allies from other spheres of influence that does not match heroes' sphere. And this is possible thanks to 3 cards: Stand and Fight, Timely Aid and Sneak Attack. As you can see, there are no Song cards in this deck. In addition, it's possible to quest and fight at same turn using Aragorn ability and Glorfindel + Light of Valinor.


Mulligan for at least one of these on the oppening hand: Light of Valinor, Steward of Gondor, Celebrían's Stone. I know that it is not possible to pay for the last two cards mentioned above, but if you have it in hands, save the resource on Aragorn on 1st round so you will be able to pay for them on 2nd round. The best first hand is having Light of Valinor because putting it into play on Glorfindel and using Aragorn's Response, you will be able to quest up to 9 on 1st turn, exausting only Éowyn.


Steward of Gondor always goes on Aragorn. As well as Sword that was Broken, so you will boost willpower of all characters. This card is REALLY GOOD for questing.

Celebrían's Stone can go on Aragorn or Éowyn.

Dúnedain Mark always goes on Glorfindel, because sometimes Aragorn is used for defending, so Glorfindel will always attack.

Imladris Stargazer helps you to get the mains cards to you hand as soon as possible.

The classic combo Sneak Attack + Gandalf is very usefull, but sometimes you can use it with other allies as Beorn (In case of need powerfull attack) or Descendant of Thorondor (This is VERY usefull to kill some strong enemies on staging area due it's effect when entering and leaving play. With this you are able to put up to 4 damage tokens in 1 enemy on staging area since Sneak Attack forces you to return the ally to your hand at the end of the phase).

All and allies cards can be sent to discard pile through Éowyn 's ability. Then you can put they into play using Stand and Fight. Here is another way to put Descendant of Thorondor in play and cause 2 damages on an enemy in staging area !

Ever Vigilant is another interesting card. You can use Faramir 's ability and right after use Ever Vigilant to ready him and send him to quest as well.

Landroval is important since this deck does not have any healing card. So if one of your heroes are close to dead, try to put him in play and trigger it's "Response", bringing you hero back.

Unexpected Courage goes on Aragorn, so he will be able to quest, defend and attack the same turn !