Gandalf Vilya Eagles

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

rucho 1

This deck is a mix of several decks found on ringsdb that have proved their worth in the field.

Combos 1 play for free:

-Vilya goes on Elrond, and Gandalf's ability to see the first card, guarantees what Vilya will get in for free.

-The Wizard Pipe goes on Gandalf to rotate the cards in his hand and play them for free.

-Imladris Stargazer helps to organise the cards into the deck to choose what Vilya can get in for free.

-Gildor Inglorionwill also help to control what the first card will be.

Combo 2 generate resources:

-Zigil Miner combined with Imladris Stargazer help to organise and know the cards to discard and generate resources quickly to put down more cards.

-Sword-thain will also help turn an allied character into a hero and make more resources.

Combo 3 the deck:

-Master of the Forge allows you to draw an attachment, preferably Vilya, and this deck has plenty of them. If you start finding duplicates, Daeron's Runes will allow you to discard them and keep two other cards.

-Bilbo Baggins will help you find the Wizard Pipe.

-Expert Treasure-hunter and Gandalf's ability to see the first card will guarantee you a deck for each successful quest.

-Word of Command is a major asset for finding Vilya and triggering the mechanics of this deck.

-Will of the West will allow you to recover cards discarded by Zigil Miner and Daeron's Runes once your deck is finished or when you see fit to use it.

Combo 4 allies:

-Eagles of the Misty Mountains will become stronger by sacrificing them to make a better one. Wilyador will also play a part in this if need be.

-Support of the Eagles will allow Gandalf to be stronger in or when the eagles are deployed. You must pay it and play it on Gandalf when it is on top of the deck, the pipe will allow you to put it back on the deck if it is drawn. Gandalf will then gain the appropriate resource icon to attach this card to him. If Sword-thain has been attached to Beorn, this card can be allocated to him, paid for with his resources. In multiplayer, I prefer to play it on Gandalf because with Shadowfax he can become a better sentinel or ranged character.

Combo 5 locations:

-Asfaloth will help to explore locations. Putting him on Glorfindel will make it more effective.

Combo 6 heal:

-Ioreth and the Warden of Healing will be boosted by Elrond to heal the whole table.

Straighten characters tip:

-You'll be able to keep Elrond upright with Unexpected Courage.

-Glorfindel will be able to go on a quest without bowing with the Light of Valinor.

-Gandalf can stand up straight and be used in multiplayer with Shadow of Fear. You can add an Unexpected Courage courage to him, or play it on other players on the table.