RCO: Money, Bows, Cards and Clothes...

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Denethor-backed Dale (#RCO) 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

krautbammer 63

Messing around with different Dale decks and had a lot of fun putting the very rich Denethor into the lineup.

The one thing Dale decks need is time to set up. Once you've got a couple kitted out Guardian of Esgaroth things start to smooth out. But getting there is the hard part.

In an ideal situation Denethor can get you a turn 1 Steward of Gondor on Bard son of Brand who then uses those resources to put King of Dale on himself and can then play an ally turn one for a 2-cost discount and have leftover for an attachment.

This deck has it all: money, bows, cards and clothes:

Money: Like mentioned previously, Denethor is getting you a potential turn 1 Steward of Gondor with his setup ability with some cash left over. But that's not all, we also have Traffic from Dale. (trafficking what exactly??!?). It is not uncommon to get 4 to 5 resources off this card by mid game. But what do we do with all this income from said trafficking? Why...buy bows, cards, and clothes.

Bows: Bow of Yew I know, you don't really have to buy them since they cost '0' but stick with me.

Cards: You've got money sure, but what good is it without something to spend it on. Well, like they say it takes money to earn money. Invest a little and Brand son of Bain will turn your resources into cards. If that's not enough cards we can use all the cash we're flush with and Rod of the Stewardto get more cards. Still not enough? Just call up my homie Gandalf on speed dial (Sneak Attack) and he'll set you up.

Clothes: Now, time to buy some clothes. We've got all the standard Dale options: Hauberk of Mail, Squire's Helm, and Gondorian Shield (for Denethor). Hook your entire crew (like Wiglaf, Guardian of Esgaroth, and North Realm Lookout) with the all the goodies and you'll be all set to take on whatever Middle Earth has to throw at you!