Beorn and Boromir Party with Ents and Eagles

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FolcoBoffin 305

An Eagle-Ent Deck, now that's a wierd one!

The Heroes:

1)Beorn- He is a beast(no pun intended) in all terms of the word(except in , with a respectable zero). He can defend for all the little hobbits, and murder those no good Orcs for even trying. Unfortunately, he is immune to player card effects, so it is impossible to heal him or boost him up.

2)Boromir- Mr. Noble-Sacrifice(does he even need an explanation) is awsome. His ability allows him to multitask like an man with eight jobs. I would only use his ability 1-3 times/round. To beef him up, attach Support of the Eagles and Keeping Count, so he can defend or murder(or both) all things orc.

3)Éomer- This is a man who enjoys death. Anytime one of his teammates dies, he gets a boost of adrenaline and fights on harder. He revels in death, and dishes it out on any orcs in sight. You can put the same attachments that Boromir has on Eomer for a similar(but less murderous) effect.

Now, I know what you are thinking, THIS IS A SAD AMOUNT OF WILLPOWER, Mr. FolcoBoffin, and I have the solution to that. Grappling Hook and Trained for War will help with that little problem. Use these cards so your teammates are'nt saying that they are carrying you hardcore. This way you can prove they're sorry carcasses wrong!

For resource gain, Keys of Orthanc and Horn of Gondor should be used. I would play them on Eomer in case Boromir becomes corpse-ified(Beorn's paws are too big for attachments).

If you are still feelin' that you want to support your teammates more in the questing aspect of the game, then switch Legolas with one of your current heroes. Also, If you are feeling low on moolah, then substitute Mablung with one of the heroes.

Live Long(unless you are an Orc, then you'll have a short, pathetic, and meaningless death), and don't get slaughtered!

P.S- This is a multiplayer deck, but could work well in solo(I never tried in solo).