A Hero Gandalf deck?! Bold Strategy Cotton, lets see if it p

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Eagle104 8

Why on earth would you use a hero Gandalf deck when his core set ally version is amazing?! Add in that you are THAT guy in a multiplayer game that renders the potent Sneak Attack Gandalf combo null and void. So why is this my main deck? Honestly it is because Gandalf does everything and does it very well. Need a strong attacker/ defender, he's got you covered. Those pesky battle/ siege quests are nothing that he cannot handle. Once loaded up with attachments he literally is the jack of all trades and master of all of them.

My goal with this deck is the set Gandalf up as the primary defender hence the two Dúnedain Warning and A Burning Brand. Due to Gandalf's card text, he can attach A Burning Brand to himself as long as it is played from the top of the deck. Sam Gamgee is a main quester, but actually becomes a solid defender with Hobbit Cloak. Depending on need, he might take over as lead defender freeing up Gandalf to counterattack. Arwen Undómiel adds flexibility to this as she can bolster Sam or Gandalf to ensure there is plenty of defense on the table. The Galadhrim's Greeting should be played early and often. Not because threating out is a huge problem with this deck, but to ensure Sam's effect can trigger allowing him to defend for at least 4. With Glorfindel and Sam, you quest for at least 6 (assuming Light of Valinor is attached to Glorfindel). Once set up, it isn't uncommon to commit to the quest 15+ willpower each turn.

The goal is to get Gandalf loaded up with a vast majority of the attachments. The more actions he can have the better. Shadowfax and Unexpected Courage ensure he can defend multiple times or help with questing or attacking. With a burning brand attached, Gandalf's Staff can help with resources or card draw. The name of the game is to give Gandalf as much flexibility as possible. The more areas that he can apply his amazing stat line the better.

Allies are pretty self explanatory, but a favorite combo of mine is to use Sneak Attack on Galadriel. If played right she could get up to 6 plays throughout a scenario. Not only is this amazing for her 3 willpower, but super useful in an attachment heavy deck. Especially with Gandalf playing the top card of the deck up to once a phase, ordering the top of the deck is super helpful.

If there is one area that this deck can struggle with is in healing. Especially in scenarios that have a lot of archery damage. While Glorfindel and Gandalf can take a lot of punishment, it can get dicey at times. Depending on the scenario, a few Self Preservations or a healing ally might be required.

A noted exclusion from this deck is Narya. While it has been in this deck, I have found I only every used it for the resource icon. Gandalf is too good to exhaust him for a couple of allies. Can is be used effectively? Absolutely! Is this the deck to best showcase Narya? Probably not. I also have valued the extra defense and burning brand which provide much more for this deck than Narya's ability.

All in all this deck is a blast to play with and can showcase an amazing hero that too often is left in the binder.


Dec 25, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2473

You cannot use Galadriel's ability if you Sneak Attack her in because you are "putting her into play," not "playing her from your hand."

Dec 25, 2017 Eagle104 8

I knew that combo was way too powerful! Thanks for pointing out my mistake.