
Ally. Cost: 5. 2   2   1   3  

Dale. Scout. Warrior.

Response: After you play Wiglaf, play an Item attachment on him from your hand for no cost.

Action: Exhaust an attachment on Wiglaf to ready him. (Limit once per phase.)

Aleksander Karcz

Roam Across Rhovanion #27. Leadership.


Lets play Same but Different, Wiglaf and Brok Ironfist edition!!

Same: both Warriors with 2/2/1 statline. Both overcosted at 5 & 6 resources respectively (1 resource buying you a single ). Their abilities technically both fall into the resource acceleration category.

Different: their abilities are pretty much on extreme ends of the spectrum on usefulness. Wiglaf has built in resource acceleration and readying; he'd only need card draw for the holy trinity of deck design (even though the included-in-pack Ancestral Armor is the clear match).

Brok... let me tell you the tale of his glory (based on a true story). In this alternate history of Middle Earth, at the Bridge of Khazad-dum, Dáin Ironfoot sacrifices (discards) himself in hopes of enabling his fellow's escape from their confrontation with The Balrog. Suddenly, from the shadows, the pipe smoking Foreman of the Pre-errata Zigil Miner Dwarfs (because I always thought they wanted to unionize and who better to oust from the top of their hierarchy, aka deck; well, I guess Beorn... but we're losing focus, back to the narrative!) emerges from a nearby passageway. Inspired by his striking visage, the weary Gandalf takes a reflective drag from his own Wizard Pipe and summons the Flame of Anor to discard a second hallucinatory image of their savior dwarf to lead the bedraggled fellowship to land an Ironfisted blow and vanquish the ancient evil (to the Victory Display, cha-ching)!

(Note: the adept player has 2 core sets and has carefully planned the use of both Brok Ironfists for this very purpose)

So ya, they're similar, but different. But overall Wiglaf is a really solid defender and if you were jumping into the game at this cycle and/or have a limited card pool he's right up there with about as good as it gets.

hilarious — Truck 1479
Interestingly, like Brok, who as the Master of Lore blog pointed out is actually incredibly thematic, Wiglaf is a reference to one of Tolkien's works. Beowulf, to be precise: Wiglaf is one of Beowulf's companions when he goes to fight the dragon, and the only one to stand by him when he does so (after running away with the others briefly at the start). Shame that we didn't get a Hrunting card this cycle, though. Sigh. — AlasForCeleborn 712
@AlasForCeleborn Thanks for the great footnote — Quetzal513 99

Wiglaf has a strange action description because the mention is to exaust an attachement to ready him.. any kind of attachemnent like contract, condition like spider web, item, artifact, title.. is correct? I'm playing with him like (MotK) Wiglaf.. I ready him once per fase for every attachemnents he as, maybe a Strider. I hotel to play correct.. thanks for answers..

serpico 264
Note that Messenger of the King has text on Side B that reads: Messenger of the King is immune to card effects while attached character is in play. So Wiglaf cannot exhaust MotK to use his ability. — kjeld 709
Yes ok, but the other attachemnents? — serpico 264
Yes any other attachments you control (so no to Spider Web since you must control a card to use to pay a cost, like exhausting it). So yeah if you give MotK Wiglaf Strider you can exhaust Strider to ready Wiglaf. Yeah he has some great innate action advantage. Too bad that with MotK you miss out on Wiglaf's Response. — Alonewolf87 2456
Yes but he has no hight threat level and a lot of trait that we can combine with other, like warrior scout and dale.. i find him a sourprise to play. — serpico 264