Miruvor Tricks: Getting drunk and playing with rings in the

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Quantius 102

With the recent Ring of Thrór(RoT) we now have two tools that do something similar. I remembered Expert Treasure-hunter being decent with Miruvor, but Ring of Thrór + Miruvor is where magic happens.

You get to ready Elrond and put Miruvor on top of your deck, and then ready your dwarf hero with RoT to fetch Miruvor and put it right back on Elrond. There is also the benefit of doing the same sequence, but instead of readying Elrond, you snag an extra resource all for the price of readying you Dwarf! What a steal. With Expert Treasure-hunter you can do this with more than one Miruvor each turn.

Or Miruvor+Heir of Mardil+Ring of Thrór = Gain 1 resource, ready 2 heroes, re-equip Miruvor.

Imladris Stargazer works overtime in this deck because when you're not drinking, you can set up essentially perfect draws. Set up top 5 cards with card you draw, card for Vilya, card for Ring of Thrór and then you can use King Under the Mountain to shave off the last two cards, grabbing whatever is most useful and tossing the other.

Rather than having her sit around for a couple turns while you thin out the top of the deck, use her at the end of the round to set your ideal top 5 for the next turn. Digging 5 deep every turn helps build a board in a way that you want, rather than randomly grabbing whatever is on top.

Erestor and Galdor of the Havens help out with Imladris Stargazer as well for when you have an uneven turn set up or you don't have King Under the Mountain, you can still dig 5 deep.

Glorfindel is here for the usual reasons, I had experimented with the new Dáin Ironfoot and more deck milling, but I ended up going traditional with the Glorfindel+Elrond partnership. Bifur became the next most natural fit since the deck is lore heavy, Balin was another choice I mulled, and still may try again. Then I could drop the x2 Song of Kings. Not sure if worth it, the deck runs pretty smoothly at the moment as Vilya+Treebeard+Sword-thain really lighten the load in terms of resource needs, and I do have room to play with the threat.


Feb 20, 2019 Raiderjakk 58

Are you using Treebeard with Sword-Thain?

Feb 20, 2019 Quantius 102

@Raiderjakk No, he already produces a resource so I usually put it on one of the other unique allies. Erestor is a good target since he can help me out with leadership resources in case I just can't dig for the Song of Kings. Beechbone and Skinbark are also useful if I haven't played all my tactics trees yet, this way I can save Elrond's resources for Lore/Spirit stuff and Treebeard's resources for readying.

Feb 20, 2019 Raiderjakk 58

Good call! Nice set of targets.