The High Threat Secrets

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

pnorcro 2

Critical combos -

Wandering Took + Song of Eärendil + (Rivendell Minstrel) - This is what lets you arbitrarily pass around threat, which means you can push yourself to secrecy even with three heroes, so long as the net threat between you and your threat-buddy is <69. My starting threat is 26, and I have lots of reduction. Your starting threat is 30, but due to being able to pass around threat, is effectively 11 (you could take 19 of mine, immediately aragorn, and then pass it back to me. Leaving you @11 threat and me at 26. Again, so long as our combined threat doesn't go over 69, you can still play secrecy. At that point our combined threat is 37, so we have a whopping 32 threat that we can raise before secrecy is compromised. Rivendell Minstrel provides digging for Song of Eärendil.

Imladris Stargazer + Expert Treasure-hunter - This is your card draw engine, because imladris gets rid of any risk that expert treasure hunter might flop. Each copy of expert treasure hunter you can get in hand then is +1 card draw per turn, and it's free! combine that with vilya and that's super ridiculous. All unexpected courage tends to fly to elanor in this quest with the ridiculous treacheries, but that should be alright because you will be playing boatloads of everything with your crazy resource generation between vilya and resourceful.

Powerful, but Non-Critical Combos

Imladris Stargazer + Vilya - This is essentially free resource generation for the cost of the most expensive card in your top 5. If you have a northern tracker, congrats, your net resource pull this turn was 7.

Ithilien Tracker - We were crushing enemies last time we played into ithilian, but we still had to deal with their initial threat, this gets rid of that.

Self Preservation + Lore of Imladris -
This is a self-serving support card in your deck. The way to think of it is that any healing card you can play gives gloin effectively +x resource generation per turn, where x=the amount of healing done, up to 11! I have six copies of various resource sharing cards, so I intend to set up the "Gloin Fairy", who will take turns going around to everyone and dropping ~20 resources on players to just empty out their hands onto the table.


Mar 03, 2019 Alonewolf87 2340

You know that Dúnedain Wanderer has been errata'd so that now it has a limit of once per round?

Mar 03, 2019 Alonewolf87 2340

Mar 04, 2019 pnorcro 2

No, didn't realize that. Darn! Will have to re-tool. Thanks for the heads up!