Good Availability Dale Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Good Availability Dale Deck v2 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
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BjoernTorben 39

BjoernTorben has a newer deck inspired by this one: Good Availability Dale Deck v2

This is another variant of my Dale deck - made with the idea in mind that all the cards are still readily available. I am aware that the Limited Edition 2-player starter is a pricey investment, but it is still available at the FFG site and contains a lot of value for someone wanting to start out (and is willing to shell out 50$ extra to get the digital card game and a very beautiful and handy playmat).

If you do not have access to the 2-player starter, I would sub out Gildor Inglorion and substitute him with Aragorn, for another strong hero. You will also have to remove 1 Steward of Gondor and 1 Sneak Attack, which can be replaced by another Squire's Helm and another Ancestral Armor.

This is a pretty straight-foward Dale deck, that can be used for a variety of quests. Guardian of Esgaroth is an incredibly strong ally, that with the addition of Hauberk of Mail, Ancestral Armor and Wild Stallion can be turned into an incredibly effective defender.

If you have access to The Ghost of Framsburg, you might consider using Valiant Determination instead of Wild Stallion, which has the potential to turn the Guardians into a 5 Spirit, 4 Attack and 6 defense multipurpose questing, defending and killing machine.

Edit: Come to think of it Long Lake Trader is a bit redundant in the deck. He would be better served by being replaced by 3x Wiglaf or Knight of Dale