Gondor Defends Osgiliath

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Card draw simulator
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uuneter 102

This deck was built for The Massing at Osgiliath POD quest. After recently picking up this quest, I wanted to try a thematic Gondor deck. Most of the decks I saw on BGG were Rohan decks, which I get because of the big race at the end. But I thought Gondor, with Faramir and Visionary Leadership should be able to do it as well.

After tweaking a few things, I beat the quest on my 4th try with this deck (solo one-handed), fairly easily too. Key strategies are:

  • Mulligan for Gandalf. Destroying one of the 3 enemies in Staging in round 1 is essential, with starting threat of 32. Sneak Attack + Gandalf would be the ultimate start, destroying 2 enemies.
  • You need Visionary Leadership or Faramir early as well, to help with WP. Stage 4, these 2 cards will be the keys to victory.
  • Steward of Gondor (as always), to pay for those allies, and for Visionary Leadership
  • Save Feint for the WK - you won't lose an ally, and since he doesn't attack, he doesn't return to Staging. His 6 threat + -1 WP debuff will wreck your game if he's in Staging.
  • Northern Tracker to help take care of locations you can't travel to
  • Not critical, but Gondorian Spearman + Spear of the Citadel can destroy Snaga Scouts before they attack

Slow play stage 1, to get as many allies out as possible for stage 4. You can also slow play stage 2, but the card play restriction sucks. Once you have a Ranger, go to stage 3 and sacrifice him to get to stage 4. Engage the WK, Feint it, and hopefully between Visionary Leadership and Faramir, you should have enough WP to escape. In the game I won, I took the threat hit of Pelennor Fields one round rather than take that 7 progress buffer.