Dori...A Decent Fellow

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HearProf 18

This is my take on a dwarf deck for solo (1-handed) play, I've taken it successfully through all quests in Kazad-dum and Dwarrowdelf Cycle. When creating the deck, I was worried about the relatively high starting threat of 33 but it really hasn't been an issue (Sneak Attack paired with Gandalf helps).

I really like Dori as he automatically allows Dáin Ironfoot to defend with 5 from turn 1 without dependence on armor attachments. All heroes have 5 stating hit points which is great and allows for taking a few attacks undefended when needed.

I typically mulligan for Dwarven Sellsword or Tighten Our Belts. Regardless, I am targeting to quest for 6 first turn (at least with Dori and Thorin Oakenshield). Ideally, you will have 5 dwarfs in play by the end of the 2nd round. Once you achieve this, the extra resource for Thorin Oakenshield each round allows you to play dwarf allies as needed. I really like getting Soldier of Erebor and/or Azain Silverbeard out within the first few turns.

Dáin Ironfoot pretty much always defends and with no consistent readying, you won't be able to routinely take advantage of his +1 attack for all Dwarfs when readied. I haven't found this to be an issue though as there are many allies included with strong attack strength (Azain Silverbeard, Erebor Battle Master - even with new errata, and Soldier of Erebor). Khazâd! Khazâd! also helps, especially early-on.

For Shadow and Flame, I did drop King Under the Mountain (x2) and replaced them with Ancestral Armor (x2) and Ring Mail (x1). I was able to get Ancestral Armor into play on turn 2 and could defend against Durin's Bane with no issues (using Dori to boost Dáin Ironfoot).

Dori seems to kind of get a bad wrap but I really like him as I'm most comfortable playing when I have someone who can defend with at least 5 - 6 early on. Additionally, when that extra defense is not needed, Dori himself is pretty hardy and can defend or attack.

Let me know what you think!